B.A. Program
Our BA degree concentrates on the subject of Divine Wholeness based on the Hebrew Holy Scriptures. This program will equip you to minister people in need of spiritual, mental and physical healing and transformation.
You will learn how the Jewish Roots of faith bring wholeness and wellbeing to you and those you serve. The Power, anointing, and the truth of the original gospel can save, deliver, and heal even the most impossible cases. That healing process includes divine miracles, retraining of mind, and also the natural steps as a healthy diet, rest and exercise, as well as special instructions that the Holy Spirit may give as a person seeks His leading. You will go through your personal deliverance and inner healing during your BA studies, and then learn minister to others in the context of your area of service in His Kingdom.
Our BA program consists of 5 parts: Biblical Wholeness, participating in our Bible School on Wheels in Israel, Deliverance, Inner Healing, and writing your Thesis.
Through your studies, you will gain new wholeness and health coupled with Hebrew, Biblical understanding of human beings. You will learn how the original Jewish Foundations of faith lead us to a life of SHALOM and will be able to impart that same shalom to others.